Welcoming Krista

Krista Burke

Krista Burke

Hi there! I'm so excited to be joining the PathwayOregon team. Just before this, I worked at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo, California where I advised students both on academics and as a career counselor.

What do you like helping students with?

I absolutely love working with students to create plans - both short-term, like planning courses, and long-term, like pursuing some wild dreams!

What’s an odd fact about you?

One of my long-term dreams is to own a sheep. I have an odd fascination with sheep, crows and bears but I don't have a desire to own a bear or crow.

What’s your advice for students?

Whatever your dreams may be, I am excited to get to know them and you. In the meantime, my biggest advice is to find a schedule that works for you (including time to care for yourself) and stick to it.